My husband gave me the first of many heart shaped pieces of jewelry 22 years ago. A simple sterling heart necklace that I wore constantly until about a year ago. I finally retired it to my jewelry box when the chain had quite literally sawed through the bail. Through the years, that little heart has entertained my grandbabies and my “Three Little Es”, great-nephews and great-niece, Eli, Ean, and Eliza.
My granddaughter has tried to talk me out of that little heart for more years than I can remember. I can’t count the times she’s told me that she wanted my heart ‘neckalass’. Of course Grandpa and Grandma have bought her several heart ‘neckalasses’ over the years but she still wants mine. My babies have played with that little heart, they’ve teethed on it, they’ve held it while they sleep.
I reluctantly replaced it with another heart, this one has a tiny key-hole and key. Naturally, the kiddos, especially the two youngest, want to try to fit the key in the lock. Whether a design flaw or by intent, that key doesn’t fit. Kids being kids, they don’t give up and they always ask, “Why doesn’t the key fit?” I tell them, “Only the one who holds my heart can fit the key into the lock.”
Children are amazing little creatures, I love watching their minds work and figure things out.

Before long, Eliza discovered a way to fit the key into the lock and soon they all had figured it out. While the little heart and key are symbols of the love shared by me and my husband and by my babies and me, it was brought home to me this Valentine’s Day how much we as adults influence and impress children.
Valentine’s Day, a small box appeared on my desk. It’s appropriate that the box had a “lock” on it and that inside was this simple message from the “Three Little Es” – “You Hold The Key To My Heart”…..